Thursday, January 24, 2013

Everything's Starting to Come Together...

Well, it has been a busy few days, but we are getting there! the tower for the preactice field is just about completed and it is quite large! We are now starting to finalize parts of the robot such as the shooter and drive train. Team members are also starting to figure out ways to climb that tower! Will they suceed? Only time will tell...
The program team have been freshening up their coding skills by reprograming our last year's robot and they are now booting up the new drive train with basic skills.

The Creative team has also been very busy! The CADD designs are starting to come together nicely to form what our robot could look like. The website is also being revised and hopefully will be officially published in the next day or two. A group of these students will also hopefully get together and start designing buttons and a mascot!

Thank you for all those who are watching and are keeping up! if you have not been following us, please do, as we try to update this site regularly!

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