Hello, hello, hello! And welcome back to a brand new FIRST Robotics Season!
We have been quite busy for the past couple months, actually, getting ready for the new season. During the months of November and December, the twenty-five members of our team learned and reviewed the basic building skills we will need for the build season. The mentors and coaches planned a mini competition for the members to experience what it would be like during the build season. Students had to build a small robot that could travel over a bumpy surface to retrieve a tennis ball and return to the starting point. They also had to do a presentation on their robot and design.
And now we are about two weeks into the build season! Team members all met up for the Kick-off and the next day, we were already off and planning for this year's robot. after much careful planning and debating, the students have split off into their groups to perform their task.
Our build team is currently prototyping different mechanisms to perform the simple tasks required, such as throwing the frisbee and a loading mechanism. We have about three created and soon we will be seeing which one will perform the best!
The creative team, as we like to call it, is in charge of designing, creating and managing the website, blog, facebook, and other forms of media. We are currently creating a brand new HTML website, instead of using the Flash. This would allow the website to load quicker and be easier to access. We are also laying out the format for the Chairman's Award.
It has really been a busy start for the new year, so please stay in touch for future updates!
Thank you
~RPM Team